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Love poetry festival Vrazova Ljubica

The Love Poetry Festival of Vrazova Ljubica is a poetic literary meeting that has been held in Samobor since 1990, in memory of Julijana Cantilly (1812-1842), the famous Ljubica from Samobor, and the eternal love of the famous Croatian Illyrian poet Stanko Vraz (1810-1851). His library of love poems "Đulabije", dedicated to Juliana, is indispensable in the history of Croatian Illyrian poetry. As poets have been gathering in Samobor every year for 30 years, Vrazova Ljubica has become one of the most important poetic cultural manifestations in Croatia, and has turned Samobor into a city of poets.

Samobor Public Open University, with the support of the Society of Croatian Writers and with the co-financing of the City of Samobor, the Zagreb County and the Ministry of Culture, organizes poetry evenings every year where the most important contemporary Croatian poets present unpublished love poems. Every year, a stone tablet with carved verses of one of the meeting's participants is placed in the Prolaz pjesnika, on the wall next to Ljubica's grave next to the parish church of St. Anastasia in Samobor.