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Youngmasters Festival

Over the past years, a synergy of artistic and educational content has been regularly created at Youngmasters, most often focused on highly specialized areas: from instrumental skills to exclusive musicological topics. From the analysis of compositional techniques to the presentation of instrument builders or the promotion of recently released audio carriers. In the last few seasons, Youngmasters aims to encourage critical thinking, democratic principles and active verbal communication, and the organizer introduces public forums and debates close to music education. But what is most important for a young artist and performer is the stage performance. That is why traditional concerts are held every year at Youngmasters, whose names in world languages determine them according to the temporal or spatial element: Le Concert du Matin, Moment Musical, Concertino classico, Twilight Concert, Tea Time Concert, Concerto finale, Grand Concert and Le concert du Salon.

Additional information: youngmasters.com.hr