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Mirnovec Manor

The manor in Velika Rakovica is in the second category of listed heritage.

Mirnovec Manor

The manor in Velika Rakovica that used to belong to the Reiser family is located in a spacious park and is in the second category of listed heritage. It belongs to the tradition of simple manors of north-western Croatia as an example of a late Baroque building. However, it is a historically significant place because in 1870, at the time its owner was a famous Illyrian, the son of a notary and a lawyer Franjo Reiser, an assembly of the National Party members took place in it. The National Party was founded after the Illyrian party was prohibited in 1843 and at this assembly Fran Kurelec delivered his famous speech. Also, the members of the choir “Kolo” sang patriotic songs in the manor, and for that occasion, the noble Ivan Zajc wrote the music to the poem “To the Samobor Town” by Ivan Zuhar.

Some decades later, the great Croatian painter Nikola Reiser made his first paintings in the manor.

The Reiser family bought the manor from a lawyer and a landowner Josip Trputec who was responsible for the first official mentioning of the manor in the documents in 1812, in the period when Samobor was a part of the French Illiryian province, because he wrote the elegy “Planctus Joseph Terputecz super kurio Mirnovecz” – The Cry over Mirnovec Manor.