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Bistrac Manor

Baroque-style manor built in the middle of the 18th century.

Bistrac Manor

The noble family Kulmer had their one-storey, square-shaped, Baroque-style manor built in the middle of the 18th century with the main façade looking toward the greenery of what used to be a big park. More precisely, the manor was drawn on the map of Samobor and its surroundings in 1762, while the park was first mentioned in 1831. In the meantime, the ownership of the manor was in the hands of several families, like the Kušević family, the Frigan family, the Ljubić family, the Barac-Repenjski family, but unfortunately, they did not stop its deterioration.

Presently, it is hard to imagine the opulence of the flower bed next to the manor, the arranged garden and the alley with deciduous trees around the manor because only a part of the park has been preserved around the manor in the Jelačić Street. It is also hard to imagine there used to be a disco club “Bistrec” in it.