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Educational trail Okićnica

Ten educational signs tell a story of one of the oldest preserved noblemen towns in the continental Croatia.


In 2017 in the Žumberak - Samoborsko gorje, a new educational trail was opened called "Okićnica". Starting from the mountain hut “Maks Plotnikov”, this 2.5-kilometre circular trail goes around the Old Town of Okić located on 499 metres above sea level.

Ten educational signs tell a story of one of the oldest preserved noblemen towns in the continental Croatia, the strategical importance it had in the protection of north-western Croatian kings and in the defence from Mongols and Turkish evasions and, in the end, its decay after the end of the Turkish attacks.

It also includes the geological history of this area with the description of archaeological findings from the times before the Croatians inhabited these areas, as well as the story of the lifestyle under the old town until the beginning of the previous century. Also, Okić has a great importance in the history of Croatian mountaineering because it was precisely here that Dragojla Jarnević wrote the first pages of the Croatian alpinism in 1843.

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