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Greek Catholic Parish Church of Saint George

Parish church of St. George is a witness of the faith of the descendants of the Žumberak Uskoks.

Greek Catholic Parish Church of Saint George

In the village of Stojdraga is a church of Saint George the Great Martyr, a witness of the faith of the descendants of the Žumberak Uskoks (irregular soldiers in Habsburgs Croatia) who inhabited this area from the first half of the 16th century. Being Greek Catholics, they first built a wooden church in Stojdraga and in 1775 they established a parish and started constructing what is today the biggest Greek Catholic church in the Samobor area. The building of Saint George’s church began in 1827 acquiring its final form in 1874.

The church has a single nave and a square-shaped layout with a higher curved shrine and a bell tower in front of the main façade which is arched by Czech arches. There are three bells in the 27 metres tall bell tower. In the interior of the church there is an extremely valuable iconostasis, a work of the master Marković from the end of the 18th century. Although the church was destroyed in a number of occasions and was burnt and robbed in the 20th century, it has been renovated many times, and today it holds valuable icons, unique wrought candle holders and other works of art, and thanks to the hard-working pastor, Mile Vranešić, the Uskoks ethnographic collection has also been set.