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Favourite destination of hikers since the beginnings of organized mountain climbing in Samobor.


The highest peak of the Samoborsko gorje hill range, at the height of 879 metres above sea level, Japetić has been a favourite destination of mountain climbers and hikers since the beginnings of organized mountain climbing in Samobor. From a 12-metre high “pyramid”, erected there in 1960, you can see the most of north-western Croatia and some parts of Slovenia, even the Alps, if the conditions are right. Considering the climb to the top is not too demanding, Japetić is one of the most frequently visited mountain locations in Samobor. The nature in the area surrounding Japetić is extremely rich with meadows and forests, with numerous protected and endangered plants, so, for example, the beech forest at the top was protected in 1975 as a nature reserve.

It is interesting to add that the first mountain hut of the Croatian Mountaineering Club Japetić was built not far from the peak, in the area called Kal, and opened in 1926. However, the hut nicknamed the “Mesić’s House” was robbed several times and was destroyed in a fire so today near the peak is the mountain hut Žitnica. In the meantime, Japetić has become a favourite meeting spot for paragliders who organize their competitions there.