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Parish Church in Sveti Martin pod Okićem

One of the oldest sacral buildings in the Samobor area.

Parish Church in Sveti Martin pod Okićem

One of the oldest sacral buildings in the Samobor area is Saint Martin’s Church, a building offering a real little cross-section of the historical styles of construction. The oldest part of the church is the bottom part of the tower built in the Romanesque style, and it probably had a role of a defensive tower considering its significant fortification elements. A tour of the church discovers the features of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles, while the layout shows that the sanctuary was square-shaped, which is very rare in the construction of churches in these areas.

The parish of Saint Martin was first mentioned back in 1344, so it is most probable that the church had been there even in the 13th century. The witness of one of the major partitions is a stone entrance portal with Renaissance markings and the year 1649 inscribed in it, which introduces the beginning of the Baroque style in the church when a side chapel was built. The interior used to be embellished with valuable paintings mentioned as early as the 17th century; the first organs were mentioned in 1745 while today’s organs have been built during the 19th century.