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Parish Church of Christ the King

Chapel in the honour of Christ the King, in Domaslovec.

Parish Church of Christ the King

The village of Domaslovec erected a cross in the middle of the village in 1933 and since then there is a tendency to build a chapel in the honour of Christ the King. The dream became reality on the festivity of Christ the King, 24th November 2002 when the Domaslovec parish church was consecrated by the Zagreb archbishop Josip Bozanić and placed the power of the blessed Alojzije Stepinac.

The parish was set up after the separation of the lowland part of the parish of Saint Anastasia in Samobor to include seven villages near the river Sava and a part of the town, namely Domaslovec, Hrastina, Farkaševec, Vrbovec, Savrščak, Medsave and Celine, together with Samobor’s Hrastina.