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Bike route No. 1

The route with medium difficulty to get to Veliki Dol, with a technically demanding downhill ride to Samobor.

1:30 - 2:00

Samobor - Veliki Dol - Samobor
Route suitable for: MTB
Route lenght: 19 km
Elevation difference: 585 m

Starting point is on the square of King Tomislav. The route goes along the asphalt road to the village of Mali Lipovec where it turns on the forest road to the Ivica Sudnica mountain hut at Veliki Dol. The climb is not too demanding. After a hiking house, the route leads on a macadam road to Greguric Breg village, where it turns right on the forest path leading to the village of Palačnik. From Palačnik, the route is descending on a forest path that is partially technically demanding. After arriving to the asphalt road in Čudomerščak street, the route will take you through streets of the city to King Tomislav Square. Mountain hut Ivica Sudnik is temporary closed.

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