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Buddy bench in Samobor

Samobor is the first Croatian town to get its "Buddy bench".

Samobor is the first Croatian town to get its "Buddy bench". It is a painted bench that should attract children to rest on it, hang out, make new friendships and create new games. The Laboratory for Fun prepared a small program for all children at Matica Hrvatska Square, to present the idea of ​​setting up such a bench in the park, whose international-level founder is a seven-year-old Christian from the United States. It is an international humanitarian project designed with the aim of preventing and suppressing peer violence, as well as creating new and nurturing old friendships between kindergarten and elementary school children.

The painting and decorating of the bench was attended by 30 youngsters for whom the Laboratory for Fun provided tools and materials. In the beginning, they organized an interesting interactive play - a story about African boy Ipamanondas, a very good and a "super cool" boy who would sometimes play in his room a little too much, while his mom was trying to come up with several solutions. That's why the space in front of the Samobor Cinema was couple of times filled with words "Ipamanondas, where is the mind you were born with?"

The program is organized with the support of the Samobor Tourist Board, which will, with the help of the city utility service Komunalac, move the bench to the park with children's playgrounds. The second "Buddy bench" in our town will be set up at the end of August.

Published: 10.07.2017.