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Mountain lodge dr. Maks Plotnikov (411 m) – Okić (499 m)

Ascent duration: 10 minutes
Distance: 815 m
Difficulty: 1/5

20 min

The mountain lodge can be reached by car from Samobor. You will pass through the village of Konščice and the village of Klaka. When you reach the crucifix in the hamlet of Naglići take the first fork leading to the mountain lodge, 10 km from Samobor.

The mountain lodge terrace provides a beautiful view of the nearby Old Town Okić. The ruins of the Old Town Okić at the top of the hill can be reached from the mountain lodge in 10 minutes by walking up a safe path, partially cut into rocks. You can return to the mountain lodge following the same route. In addition to climbing to the peak, you can also take an educational path Okićnica, a circular path around the Old Town Okić. The educational path starts at the mountain lodge and has 10 information boards. It makes a nice two-hour-stroll.

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