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Notice to Third-Country Nationals

No measures prescribed by the Aliens Act will be taken against aliens due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Notice to Third-Country Nationals

Due to the current situation arising from the coronavirus outbreak, a certain number of aliens on short-term stay (a stay of maximum 90 days in a period of 180 days) cannot leave the Republic of Croatia within the time limit prescribed by the Schengen Borders Code, for objective reasons.

In accordance with the recommendations provided by epidemiologists, we would like to instruct all foreign nationals who find themselves in such a situation to deliver their data primarily by e-mail (pitanja@mup.hr) or by calling the number provided on the website of the competent police administration, so that they could be stored, thus avoiding potential problems on border crossing points when leaving the Republic of Croatia.

We kindly ask you not to come to police stations or administrations in person, unless you have been invited by an official person over the phone.

Accordingly, such aliens will not be subject to any measures prescribed by the Aliens Act.

Published: 31.03.2020.